
Welcome to Writing with Michelle. I’m dedicated to giving you the very best in tips and advice, with a focus on educating you through my failures.

Michelle Sencabaugh

Aspiring Author



The best part about being an author is taking the things that I love, my passions, my experiences and weaving them into the stories I create. I have loved writing since I was young, but I lacked the confidence to put my ideas to words. I told myself, my prose is too simple, my style is too straightforward, no one will want to read it. And the truth is, I needed a kick in the ass.

I endeavor to learn through my mistakes and share those mistakes with others. Because when I started my novel I was woefully unprepared and I figure ‘I can’t be the only one. Right?’ I hope that by sharing my failures, not only will I learn and grow as an author, but hopefully others will too. And maybe if we work together, we can build our confidence and publish work we all can be proud of.

Being A Storyteller

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

Maya Angelou

My Inspiration

My stories started with dreams. Since I was 13 years old, I have had vivid and fantastical dreams about a magical kingdom and a collection of characters that lived there. It was a wonderful experience, where I could see through the eyes of different characters in each dream. Like I was watching a movie or reading a book, I felt like I was the person in my dream. Sometimes I was a male, female, animal, or even creature. I flew as a dragon and fought as a demon.

As I got older I learned to channel these dreams into games, running as a storyteller or gamemaster. My players added and evolved the stories, creating an immense world full of lore and wars, and heartbreak.

So, when I decided to write a novel, there was only one story in my mind. The story.